How Much Does It cost To Be A Christian?
Mark 8:34-8:38
1.) A common question asked today is “How much
does it cost?”
A.) More than ever, there is a price
aa.) There is a popularity of discount stores,
factory outlets, etc.
2.) Everything of value has its price.
ba.) If we want to take training to become a
musician, athlete, or anything else it will cost us in many ways.
3.) When it came to Christianity, Jesus never
deceived anyone about the cost of becoming a Christian.
1.) There are false interpretations of Jesus’
words “Let a man deny himself...”
A.) In the second century some followers began to
any materialism.
B.) Some became Gnostic viewing anything physical
being evil.
ba.) Jesus never had in mind for anyone to
withdraw from
2.) Some instructions about denying self.
A.) It means nothing less than the renunciation
of our
aa.) Gal. 2:20
B.) Self-denial is not easy.
ba.) We all have things we want. We all have
goals, but
Christ is clear that when we choose to freely follow
him, we must first deny
bb.) Denial means you can’t always do what you
want to
do, what your natural tendency is
bc.) Denying self means that you will face tough,
changing decisions that need
to be made in the
shadow of the cross, and not
the desires of the heart.
bd.) Self denial doesn’t mean that you’ll be
deprived of joy
and happiness; rather it means
that you find fulfillment
and joy and happiness through
dedication to Jesus
bda.) Denial of self is placing yourself in the
hands of God
at all times, no matter where his hands might lead
1.) Certainly, there are those with false views
of taking up our crosses today.
A.) Some would interpret this as any burden to be
in life.
B.) Others feel to take up your cross refers to
anything in
life that causes you to suffer.
C.) Some would see it as an annoyance.
2.) Jesus demonstrates the meaning of Dedication.
A.) He showed us that it means to follow the will
of God.
aa.) When we whole-heartedly follow the will of
God, it is
going to put us in opposition
to Satan, and the forces
of this world.
aaa.) When we have come to the place in our lives
that we
are fully willing
to dedicate ourselves to God, we will
also be coming to
the place that we might in fact
suffer for that
faith and the willingness to take that
stand for Christ.
aab.) When we look at the early Apostles of
Christ, we see
men who came to the place of putting
their faith
totally in Jesus
Christ, and serving Him.
aab-1.) If we thought that the commitment of
their lives to
Jesus Christ was an easy thing we would
be totally
aab-2.) It cost most of the apostles their lives,
and in a
very painful
manner of death.
aab-3.) The only Apostle who did not die as a
martyr was
John. But even
John did not have an easy go of his
life in Christ. He
was exiled on a lonely prison island
in the middle of
the sea.
3.) Just as it cost Jesus and the apostles very
dearly to give total commitment, it may cost us very dearly as well.
A.) When Jesus told his disciples to take up
their crosses,
they all knew that he was telling
them they might die
for serving Christ.
1.) We need to look at the life of Jesus to see
what He did.
A.) Jesus attended worship in the synagogue and
temple on
a regular basis.
aa.) Luke 4:16
B.) Jesus practiced systematic prayer.
ba.) The Jews had set hours of prayer.
bb.) Jesus would also go by himself when everyone
was still asleep for prayer.
C.) Jesus always accepted people where they were
at, while
looking for them to become better and more Godly.
ca.) When Jesus met with the Samaratin woman He
accepted her where she was.
caa.) That does not mean he accepted her life of
sin. In fact
he pointed it out to her
that she was living with a man
who was not her husband.
caa-1.) Jesus accepted her where she was, while
her sin, and gave her a goal to aim for
greater and higher.
2.) Christ is the pattern for our living.
-- I John 2:6
A.) We can rely on
Christ giving us the power to have
the strength
and determination to completely
follow Him.
1.) today as we leave here, let us focus on and
follow Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.
2.) In serving Christ, we need to continually be
renouncing those aspects of the old man.
3.) We need to daily make the decision to
dedicate our lives to Christ.
4.) Ultimately, the goal of each of us must be to
imitate the example of Jesus Christ in our own lives.