Saturday, December 26, 2015

A FRESH START! Happy New Year!

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” 
 John Pierpont Morgan

New Years is the PERFECT time to reflect on where you’ve been and resolve yourself to whatever it takes to bring CHANGE to your situation!

Mark 2: 1-5 Notice here how these men, as well as the afflicted man, were willing to do whatever it takes to get to the feet of Jesus... are we willing to do whatever it takes to experience our FRESH START?

Mark 5:25-34 A Woman is a place of distress. She has a NEED. She is stressed and needs the power of God.   1. She makes a choice to grab!   2. She experiences without doubt.   3. She admits her condition and knows the need to continue following!

To EXPERIENCE your FRESH Start...  A hard reality is that we have to LET GO and LET GOD!

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 We have to realize that HE is the “change agent” though... we have to have the Faith to move toward him, but HE has to be allowed to do the changing in us! It is by HIS Spirit that we see our world begin to change! Zachariah 4:6

Our faithfulness to move in His direction will bring about His touch and move in our direction. John 5:1-15 The story of a paralyzed man who is UNABLE to move toward the pool and felt helpless and hopeless in his condition. However, when Jesus approached him with the question...”do you want to be well?” His answer was YES! And look what a change he underwent!!!!

Do you want a FRESH START? Jesus holds your answers!

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