Saturday, February 18, 2017

A CRAZY Love for Others

Recap of the last 2 weeks

1.     How Great the Father’s Love for us


b.     While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8)

c.     In week 1 we looked briefly at Hosea and his pursuit of Gomer
                                               i.     Gomer represented faithless and blatantly disobedient Israel and Hosea pursued her and bought her back…with wages and fruit from his labor

                                             ii.     It was a story of God’s judgement on Israel as well as His never-ending promise of forgiveness and restoration

2.     Our responsibility to LOVE the Father (John 14:21)
a.     Jesus said loving God is the most important of all the commandments. But what does loving God really mean? Here are six ways that Jesus taught us to express and demonstrate our love for God: 

·      Know and Obey God's Commandments 
  • Trust in God and Jesus 
  • Put God Above All Else 
  • Be Committed 
  • Be Humble before God and Other People 
  • Make Time for Prayer

The first 2 above …Produces the DESIRE to love others.  (John 15)

1)    In the first 8 verses, Jesus is telling us that as his followers… we must bear fruit. What is “Fruit”? Fruit is simply doing GOOD THINGS that bring honor and glory to the Father as well as impact other’s lives.

2)    In those same 8 verses, He  explains that it is not going to happen UNLESS we stay connected to the “source”. TO THE VINE,

a)    Analogy of a water hose – to RECEIVE water, it has to be hooked up to and tightened to the source… as it is, then it fills… and then shares or disperses the water that’s in it.

3)     In the following verses, Jesus explains that when we are connected to the VINE… His JOY in us is made COMPLETE and then the power… THE SPIRIT can flow and like the song PASS IT ON SAYS… “and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing”.

a)    Here’s a question: What happens when we force that? It comes off as fake doesn’t it? Its not genuine. Its as though we are doing it out of “duty” and not love. Others can tell when its not from the heart. When its not… its not effective.

4)    Jesus then explains in John 15 that when you operate this way… others are not always going to understand and in fact… may even get hostile with you for your connect with the Father and your obedience to His ways instead of the ways of the world. STAY THE COURSE!

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