Sunday, May 21, 2017

Graduation Sunday!

1 Corinthians 11:27-34

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus!

Today we are Celebrating our High School and College Graduates here at Faith Fellowship!

Taylor Rose - Bluffton College
Matt Schell - Johnstown HS
Max Berry - Northridge HS
Ashley Ferry - Northridge HS
Caitlyn Stump - Johnstown HS
Juli Neil - Johnstown HS

We are really proud and excited of these young people and the PROMISE of a BLESSED future them as they walk through life devoted to and following the steps of their Savior!

Be sure to visit the Faith Fellowship Website and Facebook Page to see pictures of today's Celebration!

Our text today is coming from the Book of 1 Corinthians and it is the section where the Apostle Paul is needing to provide a little instruction and even a little correction... with the habits people had fallen into when they came to "The Lord's Table" to remember the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross.

Jesus made it clear when he told his disciple that they, and everyone else who would follow after... should "commune" together at "The Table" to REMEMBER. 

However, people go to a place where they became very "casual" and they lost the "REVERENCE" for what they were remembering. Reverence is simply a deep love for or a respect for. It meant that when taking Communion... one should focus their thinking on Jesus and REMEMBER with love and thanks that price paid at Calvary.

People were NOT doing that though. They were coming to the celebration looking for a meal. They would drink the cup and KEEP DRINKING THE CUP... and end up drunk!

They had lost the "heart" of why they were there and for what they were doing.

Paul says that they needed to EXAMINE themselves BEFOR taking the symbolic bread and wine.
If they didn't, they ran the risk of condemnation, sickness and even death!

What about us today? Is that need for "self examination" still something we should do? YES!
In a world with too many distractions, we too... find ourselves distracted and unfocused and taking the communion elements with much regard at all about "getting right" before God prior.

Could it be said that we too... are eating the bread and drinking the cup in an "unworthy manner"?!

There is an EAST solution to this problem, but it will take a serious and sincere mindset to make it happen. ADMIT, CONFESS and REPENT.

These are HARD words to do... easy to say, but difficult to actually embrace and do.

We have to humble ourselves and ADMIT that we are and have been MESSED UP and have put our own desires in front of God. We have to CONFESS this to our Heavenly Father and seek FORGIVENESS for this behavior and even our thoughts. For anything that is improper for God's children! (Thats you and me!)

Then we have to commit to REPENT or to "turn away" from that way of thinking and behaving. 

If we do these things, the God of the Universe is going to forgive, show mercy and grace and cleanse us so we can experience the Love of Christ that washes away the stain of sin in our lives through the blood He shed on the Cross... went to the grave and the ROSE AGAIN for all of us!

The next time you "GO TO TÓ THE TABLE"... stop, say a little prayer to ask God to search your heart... to see if there is anything in your life that needs to be dealt with that may be offensive to God and His Word... and then ASK HIM to cleanse you and to forgive you and to pour out His Holy Spirit in your life in an even GREATER way to enable you to walk in a way that is pleasing and honoring to your Lord!

God Bless you and as always... if you have questions about this or any other topic that is spoken about from the Word of God... do not hesitate to ask with a call or a visit!


Pastor Dan

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