Sunday, January 24, 2016

He's MY King! Do you know Him?

“Since Jesus is the King of Kings, He deserves your
ultimate attention and devotion!”

Matthew 26:6-17

The crowds welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem with practices reserved only for royalty. They spread their cloaks on the ground, and waved politically-charged palm branches in the air. They sang songs of praise to Jesus as he majestically entered the city, and they had full expectations that political and military change was only a miracle away. We might not recognize the palm branch as a political symbol, but the Middle East certainly does. Today, modern Israeli currency posts a palm branch on it. They saw Jesus as KING!

Why do we acknowledge Jesus as KING ONLY when we, like these Jews, need to experience His saving miracles? We cry out to our “King” when we are in deep need, but no so much when it’s “business as usual”

3 Things we need to do to KEEP Jesus on the THRONE of our lives;

1.     Fix our Eyes on Him! (Heb 12:2) and we must Fix our Thoughts on Him too! (Heb. 3:1)

2.     Receive the designation that we ARE A PART OF THE ROYAL FAMILY! (Matt. 26:12-17) Notice that the “ordinary” was granted access to the “extraordinary”! Now… because of our FAITH IN JESUS… we are a part OF the Royal Priesthood! (1 Peter 2:8-10)

3.     We have to realize that this is a REAL life and death decision. Its NOT “Fire Insurance”… it’s NOT a “Get out of Jail FREE Card”… it’s a RELATIONSHIP that HAS TO order our steps, guide our hearts and minds, and control our tongues. We are a work in progress… its true, but as we FIX OUR EYES (Praying and Reading His Word… we should be reflecting more of His character rather than our own!

HE’S YOUR KING… Do You Know Him?

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